Three20 Google Chrome Extension


Earlier this week, Roman Nurik released the Android SDK Reference Search Google Chrome Extension to search the Android SDK Docs. I wasn't aware that it was possible to add super powers to the Chrome Omnibox. Having wanting to create a Chrome Extension for quite some time now, but having no idea what do, I was inspired by Roman's idea and went through his source code and also the Google Chrome Extensions sample:Extension Docs Search.

The result, is a nifty little Omnibox for Three20's API library. This very simple extension adds an tt command to the Chrome Omnibox. For example, typing tt TTView will bring up a list of all class names in the Three20 Library API matching TTView - selecting a list item navigates to the relevant Three20 API Reference URL

Install through the Google Chrome Extension Gallery

You can find the source code for the Three20 Chrome Extension on GitHub.