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Remove the Heroku Toolbelt

If for some reason you installed the Heroku Toolbelt and want to remove it. You can do so by running these 2 commands: rm -rf /usr/local/heroku rm -rf /usr/bin/heroku

Unfortunately, these aren't documented on the site yet and it gave me some issues with my heroku accounts plugin and heroku ruby gem.

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Factory Girl Blocking Rake Database Migrations

I use a couple of items for doing Behavior Driven Development. Primarily, Cucumber and RSpec. In conjunction with those, I use Factory Girl and Shoulda.

Sometimes, it seems that Factory Girl can get in the way of running rake db:migrate when you push your code up to your source control system,... Read more.

Android UI Patterns

I previous wrote about iOS UI Patterns resources. There were 3 that I curated. At the time, I was having a hard time finding some for Android. I still am, but since thing, a new one has popped up. These 2 are the resources I've found:

Fuzzy and Document Searching with Solr

Recently, I needed to get add Searching into a web app. I decided to use Sunspot and Solr. Luckily, Ryan Bates has already done a Sunspot Railscasts, which got me started. However, I needed Fuzzy and Document Searching. The first part is actually fairly trivial thanks to the Wildcard searching with ngrams and... Read more.

New Google APIs Client Library for Objective-C

A while back, I wrote a small tutorial on how to use Google's GData Client library for iPhone. It's a pretty popular tutorial that constantly gets questions. Today, Google announced a new version of the Google Data library for Objective-C. I'm pretty exicted about this for a couple of reasons. The new... Read more.

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