Tracking iOS Crash Reports with Hoptoad


The folks over at thoughtbot have an great web app called Hoptoad to monitor exceptions. They've had support for a bunch of languages (PHP, Python, Ruby, etc) and frameworks (Merb, rails, Sinatra, etc) through their API. Until recently, I had been using a product called CrashBucket from the guys over at GUI Cocoa and Two Guys to track my iOS apps crash reports. Thoughtbot has now partnered with GUI Cocoa and Two Guys to bring the CrashBucket functionality into Hoptoad. The result of this partnership is the Hoptoad iOS Notifier and it was just announced on November 5th on Thoughtbot's blog.

While Crash Reports are available through the iTunesConnect portal, Hoptoad takes it a level further for developers. With the iOS Notifier, the crash reports are broken down by environment. You can also get crash reports for Adhoc app releases. Having these options are great for allowing the tracking down of crashes and bugs during development and beta testing. It's also great for those In-House apps that never make it to the App Store. That's the small requirement that iTunesConnect needs show reports.

[caption id="attachment_874" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Image from Thoughtbot"]iOS Notifier[/caption]

Luckily for me, almost all of my apps are a combination of Ruby on Rails3 web apps and iOS apps. This makes it easy to see all of the reports for a bug in one place for both the Rails and iOS errors.

Hopefully Android support is on the way for Hoptoad as well.