John T Wang

How to Add DesignBump,, and FriendFeed to WordPress plugin Sociable

Since I tend to write mostly about web design and development, sometimes people like to “bump” or “vote” for articles. Sociable currently only has the DZone and DesignFloat links by default. So here’s how you can add DesignBump,, and FriendFeed links and icons to Sociable.


  1. Save the icon: design bump and copy it to sociable/images/directory.
  2. Open sociable.php.
  3. Find the array called $sociable_known_sites.
  4. Copy / paste the code below
     'Design Bump' => Array(
    'favicon' => 'designbump.png',
    'url' => '',
  5. Save the file.

  1. Save the icon: votetime and copy it to sociable/images/directory.
  2. Open sociable.php.
  3. Find the array called $sociable_known_sites.
  4. Copy / paste the code below:
     'Votetime' => Array(
    'favicon' => 'votetime.gif',
    'url' => '',
  5. Save the file.


  1. Save the icon: friendfeed and copy it to sociable/images/directory.
  2. Open sociable.php.
  3. Find the array called $sociable_known_sites.
  4. Copy / paste the code below:
     'FriendFeed' => Array(
    'favicon' => 'friendfeed.png',
    'url' => '',
  5. Save the file and reactivate the plug-in.


This is what the finished version looks like with the 2 services enabled through Sociable Options.
sociable bump and vote
And working version of the icons are used in this website. See below for an example.

Final Thoughts

I have also submitted the code to Joost de Valk,the author of the Sociable Plug-in, in hopes that he adds them for everyone’s use.

Download the complete code here

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